Dewcember Journal Entry No. 6

Hello everyone! Dewey here!

Today, I was lucky enough to visit two branches in one day – the Jupiter Branch and the Tequesta Branch. They are so close to each other that it only made sense. I started by going to the Jupiter Branch Library. Did you know that they have a park right behind the branch? So cool! Immediately upon entering the library, I was greeted with these super neat standing displays from the Historical Society of Palm Beach County. I loved learning all about local Palm Beach County History! And right above one of the displays was this super cool ceiling and one of the prettiest chandeliers I had ever seen. Then, I stumbled upon a wall of book displays. There were so many books to peruse through, I could get lost on that wall for hours. I then saw this massive mural featuring images of local wildlife with a replica of the Jupiter Lighthouse. I couldn’t believe how life-like everything was! Before heading into the Children’s department, I just had to stop by their Storytime Room. I even got to jingle a few bells! I bet they have the best storytimes in this room. From there, I marveled at all of the beautiful artwork and displays the Children’s department had set up. From a whole treehouse that was just my size to some superhero artwork, I was in my element. I also couldn’t stop looking at the Everything Explorers Club bulletin board featuring some of the club members’ work. Wow! Then, I visited the Teens area and fell absolutely in love with their graphic novels section – there was so much to choose from. Last but not least, I got to check out the shining star of the Jupiter Branch – their seed library! The first of the Library System’s kind, this seed library has so many options of seeds that you can just pick up and take home to your garden. I hope my seeds grow into something great one day…

The Librarianist

What a blast I had at the Jupiter Branch, but by that point it was time to cross the bridge and head over to the Tequesta Branch. The Tequesta Branch is the quaintest little library. I immediately felt like I was at home when I entered the branch. The skylight allows for a lot of natural light to enter into the library. The artwork and displays that line the branch are a beautiful addition to the branch as well. I even found a nice cat friend who let me hang with them for a little while. After strolling the aisles for a long time, I found the perfect book to commemorate my trip, “The Librarianist,” by Patrick deWitt. The library staff was so kind, they even helped me check out the book, which was so nice of them. I’ll definitely be coming back here again!

Until next time, it’s Dewey signing off. Have a great Dew-cember!

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Read my previous journal entry here: 

Dewcember Journal Entry No. 5