Library Advisory Board
Our Library Advisory Board consists of members appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. Each member serves a three-year term and is required to reside within the Library District. The Board meets on a monthly basis and members serve on a voluntary basis.
The Advisory Board represents the Library to the Board of County Commissioners and works with the Library Director to improve and expand Library service throughout the County. Its role is to provide policy, budget and other recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners.
Library Advisory Board Leadership

Megan Bob

Linda Knox
Vice Chair
Library Advisory Board Members

Sherry Albury

Abby Baker

Dale Blanton

Lainey Brooks

Kathi Gundlach

Annie Ifill

Maria C. Martinez

Julia Matthews

Perri McDowell-Demps

John McGovern

Joseph Mindell

Virginia Savietto

Lisa Seymour
County Administration

Verdenia C. Baker

Todd J. Bonlarron
Board of County Commissioners